As 2018 comes to a close, I am so grateful for:
– Loving family and friends, near and far
– Fiona’s never-ending love and support
– witnessing Cameron turn 15 and Ross turn 10 and more importantly, seeing them grow up to be the wonderful individuals that they are
– terrific family holidays to the South Island (Hanmer Springs) and Mt Ruapehu (our first family skiing holiday!)
– fabulous visit from Gran and Grandad during Christmas 2018 including Shania Twain concert in Auckland and Bay of Islands holiday (golf, Cape Reinga, awesome time with my wife!)
– Supporting Fiona on the home stretch of her PhD, submitted to her supervisors in early December 2018, in preparation for a January 2019 University submission
– the Wellington and New Zealand diving community, especially Richard Greenwood and James Hardaker who continue to build something special for athletes and parents alike
– fantastic trip to Auckland in October for Diving New Zealand’s National Skills event, where I got to cheer on Cameron and Ross, judged several events and where Wellington Diving Club outshone the rest of the country in team spirit
– each and every one of the clients I touched in 2018, especially my 9 long-term local private clients; the joy and intimacy of each coaching engagement I had the privilege to facilitate and the great stories of achievement and transformation shared by my clients
– so nearly reaching my financial goals in my first full year in business as an independent coach ($148,400 total revenue, just short of my $150K goal); proud to have supported approximately 708 client sessions in 2018 (private coaching and workshops)
– proud to have clients who have been with me (off and on) for over 11 years!
– my business support crew including Anna Reed (Mitchell Studios), Gilly Easton (Graphic Design) and GoFi8ure (accounting and account management)
– phenomenal strategic partnerships with Gallup, Hatch Talent and new relationships with People & Co / Co-pilot Consulting
– the guidance, wisdom and advice from my own coaches, James Kemp (Authority Architecture) and Stuart Walter (Elite Mindset Institute)
– my health care team and Pacific Radiology, for supporting me through a ‘false positive’ cancer scare (gotta take the bad with the good!)
2019 Goals and Intentions:
– celebrate the completion of Fiona’s PhD with a great party and fantastic family holiday (skiing and/or South Island / Queenstown).
– support Ross as he graduates from Cashmere Ave, and cheer on Cameron as he continues to love art, math, graphic design and diving.
– become a Level 2 Diving Judge.
– lose 10 Kg and give up alcohol for the year.
– facilitate over 900 hours of client sessions (coaching and workshops) and exceed $200K revenue for ChrisMillerCoaching.
– replace bedroom and table tennis room windows.
– save $20K for 2020 round the world trip (family reunions in Canada and Scotland).
– double my private client numbers from 9 to 18 in 2019 and achieve one revenue month in excess of $20K.
– establish pre-pay, long-term contracts with my private clients.
– learn / re-learn reverse dive and forward 1 1/2 with a full twist.